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About this website

The inspiration, design, tools, and principles of ohnpc.


I was inspired to create this website when my friend Owen, of Barreleye, showed me many interesting and original websites created on Neocities. From what he showed me, I felt that Neocities, and the sites created on it, captured an energy of the early internet era. These sites made by people, not companies or algorithms, felt fresh, engaging, and authentic.

A personal website was always on my long list of personal projects and goals. Due to itโ€™s very simple development process and informal nature, Neocities was the perfect way to break down any personal barriers that stopped me before from starting the website.

While I do have a personal domain to my name (for SEO / professional purposes), I wouldnโ€™t share the same messy collection of art, media, experiments, and projects that I do on here.



I am quite frankly an unoriginal user and advocate for Notion and Arc. These tools are simple and designed extremely thoughtfully. The commonality between these two tools is the usage of the sidebar. Ever since using sidebars in a lot of popular apps, Discord included, I have never enjoyed navigation bars at the top of a website. This is why similar to these applications, I use a sidebar with icons.


As a programmer, I use dark themes all day, every day.

My main colors are #f0f0f0 for white and #202020 for black. I chose these not only because they look fairly nice, but are easy to remember.

Here are the other main colors I use:


As a programmer, Iโ€™ve always appreciated the look and design of monospaced (or fixed-width) fonts.

I use Fragment Mono for nearly all the text on this website.

I recently found myself inspired by the documentary Helvetica (2007) to study and learn more about typographic design and usage. While fixed width fonts are fun, I am searching for some more standard serif and sans-serif fonts to use.


This website is built using pure HTML/CSS and javascript.

Javascript scripts are also written using jQuery, specifically for the dynamic images.

Web toys are programmed using the p5.js library, the library that got me into programming in the first place.

The color palette was made with the help of coolors.co.

The fonts I use are sourced from Google Fonts.

All images are dithered using ditherit.com.

Note: This was last updated on Dec 26, 2023